by Claudio Romo

I plunged in the remote depths of this ocean of wonder. I must have spent hours there or maybe days ... my perception is confused, yet I continue to go down surrounded by creatures of the abyss. Down there, where the ocean opens, life breathes ... All of a sudden, a transparent cetacean appears and I readily climb onto/leap on its back. Through its skin, I can observe its luminous organs, its watermark bones ... Above him, I ride through the vast plains of the ocean floor, where innumerable openings spread out, casting an infinite wood of light beams beyond the sea horizon. And in the midst of that light I see a gap. As far as I know, these ditches lead to the extreme depths, to the central nucleus of Hecate; an intense violet and blue light comes from there and draws me towards the center. I start swimming faster and faster and get into those sinuous and dark passages ...
I suppose these will be my last notes ...
I write my last commentary in the little time I have left. No, it is not death that I foresee, it is wonder ... which will carry my conscience to places where it will no longer be aware of itself. As I move closer to the inner star, I see the space expand and the big vault move away until it disappears, while I am about to enter inner time and space. I fall into an abyss of violet light, the matter itself vertiginously gains speed around me, bending and diluting itself in streaked lines of force which travel like lightning towards a whiteness of tiny and infinite blackness.
Suddenly, everything stops. I stay, frozen and still, nailed to the thread of reality. I close my eyes. When I open them up again, I feel the announcement of a cosmic force and see the star open and bloom like a flower. I watch the cosmic dust gathering inside, and the birth of strange nebulae full of energy and primary matter, of primitive soma that takes on new forms before my eyes. I see other suns expand. I see galaxies rise and grow in infinite cold spaces that turn lukewarm at their fiery touch. And in the abyssal extension of this inner space, I see the curvature of a new universe being drawn, with galaxies scattered in the darkness like spiraling drops of light. And close to me I also see planets evolving and developing life on their surface.
I close my eyes. My body merges into the endless forms of my imagination. In such moments, facing the immensity in which my conscience agitates and expands, I wait for a moment and think of all those worlds and all those times waiting to be born, within the world and within time.


In his usual sparkling tones of red,
orange and blue, and with great richness of details and wide perspectives,
Claudio Romo leads us to the discovery of underground worlds, straddling mythology and invention,
following the steps of Attanasio, traveler and man of peace.

by Claudio Romo
hardcover, 48 pages, 195x280 mm
ISBN: 9788857610504