in a song. sinking into the darkness. isolated from the crowd. I thought I heard it’s good to dream. that what matters is not that dreams come true. but only dreaming. dreaming will change our perception of life. even though. dreaming will make a difference. even though. and I wanted to believe.
#millebolleblu*, then. like a thousand dreams that fly off and get shattered. but sometimes remain. floating and looking in the distance. #millebolleblu are us. and our frailty. thoughts competing for the space of the mere head. feelings. conflicting. palpitating in my chest. desires sliding in my belly. the shudder of hidden fear. #millebolleblu are those that come out of our body when we dive. to dive. to jump. to leave. to go. a shiver always runs through us. to break a boundary to enter another element. to break a life to run after another.
#millebolleblu are hopes. of the bodies that every summer get lost in the water. that burst and vanish like the memory of them. immediately after we switch off the T.V. every time I meet somebody that has succeeded in crossing the sea. every time I draw away, annoyed, from these foreigners that speak to me rudely. without realizing that their language is the same I have taught them. when I answered to them.
#millebolleblu like desires. without protection except for the dream. the dream of a better life.
dedicated to all those who will try and cross the sea this summer. all those who will succeed. and those who won’t.
If you / close your eyes / and kiss me, / you won’t believe it / but I see / a thousand blue bubbles / light they go, they go / chasing one another up they go / down they go in the sky. / a thousand blue bubbles / that fly and fly and fly / blue / a thousand blue bubbles / blue, a thousand blue bubbles / that fly, and call me, and look for me – Mina

Lina Vergara Huilcamán