“An ancient esoteric philosophical tradition that covered several branches of knowledge, like chemistry, physics, astrology, metallurgy, and medicine, and left many traces in art history.”*

all and nothing. alchemy. for me. the whole universe. and the desert of my ignorance. it has always fascinated me. like the dark night. or the limitless horizon. but I’ve always been scared of it. of things I didn’t know. of the immense wisdom required to sort out notions. until I read that I need to interpret with my heart. with my instinct. with the deepest part of me. bright like gold. bringing it back to light. step by step. layer by layer. seven. until it is freed from the lead. not by intellect. you mustn’t be guided by reason when you read. so I started. and every book I read. which is little or nothing. not one of those books. be they JUNG. MAIER. KIRCHER. dealt with anything other than soul. spirituality. faith. and now. while midnight strikes. before I have to finish this issue. I BELIEVE. that we were born to look and learn. to observe and study. what surrounds us. in relation to ourselves. to what we are. feel and desire. now that I read with my heart. going beyond the literal meaning of each word. of each sentence. and all the knowledge that I must have acquired to understand. or try to. and I let myself go. listening to a different melody that speaks my same language. the one that even I can’t express. that tells me sentences I can’t repeat. but that I perfectly know and understand. how can I explain? this is not an explanatory issue on alchemy. but an invitation. as always. an introduction. a door to the thousand things. the thousand languages. the thousand personalities. the thousand ways to look. read. listen and understand one single thing. and a thousand things. the possibility to actually transmute lead into gold. for me. today. interpreted as the transmuting of ignorance into wisdom. of matter into divine essence. lifting the heavy leaden blanket. step by step. to reach enlightenment. light. the gold we forgot we are. or read in total anarchy. if you want.

Alchimia & Mistica, Alexander Roob, Taschen
Harmonia Macrocosmica, Cellarius, Taschen
Psicologia e Alchimia, Carl G. Jung, Bollati Boringhieri
Atalanta Fugiens, Michael Maier, Edizioni Mediterranee
Vita del reverendo padre Athanasius Kircher, Athanasius Kircher, La Lepre edizioni
Paramirum. Trattato sulle cinque cause della malattia, Paracelso, Enea edizioni

* Translated from https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alchimia