Life as a novel by Philip Roth

Primitive inventory in G minor

by Rob Acerra

Primitive inventory in G minor

I’ve got a head
to host migraines
and a mouth
to grow cavities.
I’ve got hands
to let things fall
and a pair of lungs
to create coughs.
I’ve got eyes
for the conjunctivitis
and to look at what I can’t have
and I’ve got a memory
to remember my failures
and forget about birthdays.
I’ve got a voice
to say inappropriate things.
I’ve got hair
to clog up the shower drain
I’ve got a beard so that my relatives
can say “Why don’t you shave?”
I’ve got genitals of course
a magnet for frustrations
and an ass
so that my friends can joke
about homosexuality.
I’ve got two feet to stumble
and a heart
that will decide by itself when to stop
and I’ve got blood
to take the risk of diseases.
I’ve got a few euros in my wallet
to feel like an outsider
and I’ve got this list of things
from which to start anew.